
Movement 5 o

Arrived at the movement of the crossing lines:

the wheel of color starts to turn.

Like the movement is, so it is displayed:

The signals indicating direction and sense

The ex, the im are its identifiers.

Impact, sensation,

movement escapes!

In fits and starts it takes off

en route to follow the pulse!

Time multiplying

place dividing

An interval of time and space

with beginning and end.

What exactly happened?

It is a novelty, something different

this is what happened:

fast as a line, straight as ruler

in one movement back and forth

but moving in one direction,

the heh, the hoh

turn themselves inside out and trace a giant outline

around the sensation

that suddenly splits with the speed of light

into signs of light and impression.

They drop from the outside

precisely into the middle, one after the other

of a hole Ð or a screen? Ð

where they pass through or are collected.

Initially the heh will vanish and the hoh pops up

to protect the space.

Next the heh appears and the hoh will vanish

Guardian from and for both sides.

Framework swinging back and forth

In movement but stationary.

Closed court, secret terrain.

Patterns of movement

That all that advances

must pass through!