The Second, the Second of the Firsts
Only through the Sign
can I move from Initializing Image
to Image of Encounter
Only through the Sign
can you see her.
That is how the heart speaks.
Contact Image , First Effect
Repeat of the First of the Firsts
The Second of the Firsts: the Disturbed Field
that overlaps the One Field.
There are Two
A tight grip!
This, that.
Here and there. |
Struck by one or another, incident, fact!
Being touched, touching
A shock, a stroke or jolt
that moves the heart.
Images of emotion, one causing the other to exist:
One after the other
spreading all around.
That is how the heart sees.
Two lines crossing
Two hearts
Two perspectives
The Initializing Image
-the Image that arrived first, The First of the Firsts -
retreats into it.
It is unclear
Where this Image
had its origin
and how far its influence reached.
So strong was the shock
So intense the emotion.
So I imagined the Image of Encounter |
- the First Effect, the second of the First Group -
As a link between me and the scene. up