The Third of the Thirds
The Third of the Thirds is The Sign
It straddles
the Anticipating Image
and the Intersecting Image (the Image of Encounter).
It also envelops and gathers
the First, the Second and the Third of the Firsts,
the First, the Second and the Third of the Seconds.
All images - the complete mass -
Converge in that single Sign.
That is the rule.
Sign, Second Effect.
Repeats the First Effect.
- the First Effect that arrived second
peeks out of it -
The Binding Field
And now there are Three
Sign that is Image and Medium:
It darts not only to and fro
from Image to Medium |
but also skips from
reality - the intersecting Image-
to the imaginary - the Anticipating Image
and moves from the Thirds to the Seconds and the Firsts
from the Dark Field to the Light and vice versa.
Until it reaches the Prime, the sole First
to materialize the First and the Second,
to substantiate, connect, and contextualize.
The searchlight is no longer directed
upward as in the past
Lower now is the search: body and bearer
are center of gravity
That is how the Third Group - with their Sign -
have placed themselves in unison
before the Seconds and the Firsts.
And so it would continue
merely contributing mass, form without form, slurry,
if it were not interrupted by a new Image (Live!).
whereto it transmits what it stores and remembers,
including itself:
the first Fourth, the last circumference ,
the bodies skin.
The horizon is attained, the image must be completed! up