The light field, the dark field
Images that are appearances
- as in Antiquity and in the Renaissance
embody emotions and thoughts
that do not coincide with what the unaided eye sees.
They make the abstract concrete
theirs is a perception of reality.
Mythical creatures
gods, demons, centaurs
im perpetuous metamorphosis
have not disappeared.
They surround us everywhere but have not yet
been cast into proper shape.
The circuits in our brain and our heart beat
are since then unchanged.
Our reflexes when confronted
by sights unheard of or indescribable
have remained the same.
But before I continue, I must juxtapose
perception and sensation:
a light field -heart and mind that wish to understand-
and a dark field - the body, eyes that wish to see -.
Without their contrast (complementary)
I cannot make sense.